Initial configuration of my institutional account to access UNIA services

Last Updated 4 months ago

When you matriculate yourself in a UNIA course, or when you become part of the institution (teacher, mentor, …), you will receive a welcoming message in your personal account. In case you do not receive it, it could be because it is in the SPAM folder within the management of your personal address.

The sent Mail will be similar to the following one:

My Identity

We would like to welcome you to our University.

As a teacher/student of the International University of Andalusia, you can access to a series of services as an active member of our community. Your ID within the University is:

This ID is linked to a Microsoft account, which will grant you of an inbox stored in Microsoft Outlook where you will receive any institutional and academic information that could be of your interest. In addition, we will send you information about the most relevant events within your university community.

You should consider that we will use this mail account as your main address to send every official communications of the university as can be administrative procedures, indications about the technological support of the University, updates of relevant regulations, etc… Therefore, this inbox must be checked regularly to not miss anything.

To stablish your initial password, you should proceed to password recovery on the Microsoft portal. The personal mail address you provided us has been settled as your security mail address, and it will be used in the recovery of the credentials to verify your identity. The following link can be employed to start the generation of a new password:

During the procedure of creating a password, it is compulsory to follow the steps to form a multifactor authentication as explained in the following link:

How to configure two-factor authentication (MFA)?

If the multifactor authentication has been established, you must check that everything has been configured correctly by login in the Microsoft office service ;  or in Outlook using your institutional mail addres

Once logged in to your account, you must verify that it has been performed with the intended UNIA account. If you already manage Outlook or Office365 with an account from another institution, you must ensure to previously log out. For that purpose, the next link can be employed:

My services

Among others, you could sign yourself in any of the following services offered by the University through the teacher ID and its recently established password. Take into account that the activation of some services can last up to a day in completing themselves. If any of them does not work yet, try it again later. If you are still unable to access any of these services after that period, please report this incident to us.

Please note that, once the course has finished and after a courtesy period, your account will be deactivated and no longer assigned to the Microsoft license, meaning that you must uninstall every provided software.


If you have any doubt or any problem, please contact us through the following link:

  • Academic and administrative support, Online Support about Virtual Campus, Library and Computers 

At the University Community Assistance Service, you will be able to display in detail the incidence related to any of these areas where you need help.


Help Topics
  • Acceso/Autenticación a servicios institucionales

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